Ge Shi

Ph.D. in Transportation and Urban Engineering at the University of Connecticut


About me

I earned my Ph.D. from UConn in transportation engineering and planning. I am driven by lofty ideals, helping other people to live a harmonious life through urban transportation research. I enjoy exploring urban transportation issues such as street design, road safety, and transport policy, from a perspective of sustainability, equity, and humanity. My 5+ years’ experience as a transportation engineering researcher equips me with interdisciplinary and systemic thinking including urban planning, geography, and data science. I have demonstrated my skills in quantitative methods, scientific communication, and data visualization.

I have a deep passion in applying data-driven approaches to tackle problems in pedestrian & bicycle safety from perspectives of sustainability, equity, and humanity.

Personal Life

In my free time, I love taking photos, traveling, food, and playing basketball. Recently, I am into time-lapse photography and flying my Drone. I have a Osmo Action 4 to cpature videos in motion (hiking, biking, citywalk)


Nov 21, 2023 I successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation. :partying_face:
Nov 11, 2023 An updated website with minimalist look has been published. :sun_with_face:

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selected publications

  1. VZ.jpg
    Moving beyond the Vision Zero slogan
    Ge Shi, Vannesa Methoxha, Carol Atkinson-Palombo, and Norman Garrick
    Transportation research record, Mar 2023